I am Lancashire based, living among the glorious hills and valleys of North Manchester.
I write varied material including poems about my environment, life's annoyances, my childhood, comic and tragic characters I have encountered, observations of life and social comment. A good amount of my work covers my favourite city of Manchester and other towns and villages that have influenced, affected and educated me.
Some are amusing, some thought provoking, some political and some plain silly.
I hope there is something included that you enjoy or maybe relate to.
They ask me what poetry is
It’s a way of communication
It’s a method a mode a message
And maybe alliteration
A thought, an idea, proposition
Suggestion of how something goes
A plan to scan attention span
Manifesto set out in prose
The writing of thoughts can be
Cathartic and revelatory
Give help to hope and cope
Be new and anticipatory.
Take chances and speak how you feel
Progression from here to create
In your mind what you wish to reveal
Spell it out and articulate
So say what is poetry then
It’s really nothing confusing
It’s the thoughts that flow from the pen
In the order of your choosing.
©Steven P. Taylor 2018
I play with prose
I live in literature
I languish in language
I substitute standards
I slip into slanguage
I work with words
I tangle with tones
I wrangle with rhymes
Bring the beef to the bones
I mutter with meter
I struggle with stanza
I study in sentence
To bring a bonanza
I negotiate the noun
I negate the norm
I facilitate the flow
I fracture the form
I fumble and flourish
In fictitious foreplay
I forge a fantasy
Founded on fair play
I frolic with phrases
I fiddle with feelings
I model the moral
I meddle with meanings
I proffer profanities
I produce paragraphs
I let loose in lyric
I linger for laughs
I tumble with type
I toy with terminology
I expound exclamation
I entertain etymology
I vocalise vision
I venture in verse
I compile by conjunction
I craft and I curse
I create with the content
I confide in the caper
I ponder and pause
To put poems on the paper